Explosive letter buries Plibersek’s reasons for blocking goldmine

Tanya Plibersek has hit out at “misinformation” over her decision to block a waste dump proposed as part of a goldmine development and urged the Coalition to “come clean” on whether it believes Indigenous heritage should be protected.

The environment and water minister was criticised after she issued a partial section 10 declaration to protect Aboriginal heritage from being destroyed by a tailings dam for the proposed McPhillamys gold project near Blayney in New South Wales.

The developer Regis Resources had planned to build the tailings dam for the goldmine at the headwaters of the nearby Belubula River.

New Claims

Claims of Indigenous sites near a proposed $1bn NSW goldmine were examined and dismissed as having ‘no authenticity’ in a cultural audit overseen by elders, says Roy Ah-See.

Why then was the mine blocked?

Was it blocked because the political donations from this miner were not enough for a favourable decision?

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