The Meton – Exploring the Metoni Civilization of Proxima Centauri

A Meton humanoid standing with UFOs in the background, representing the Metoni civilization of Proxima Centauri

Proxima Centauri: The Planet of Meton

The name of their planet, orbiting Proxima Centauri, is Meton and their civilization expands on the seven planets of this star system. Proxima Centauri is about the same size as Earth’s sun and revolves around the double star system Alpha Centauri A & B. These two large stars give out intense radiation while Proxima, smaller gives out a different, highly intense emission. Meton is similar to Earth, with a controlled weather.

The Metoni: Peaceful Inhabitants

Metoni are of the “Noor” Lyran group-species. They are tall, nonbelligerent humanoids, whose lifespan reaches up to nearly 2000 Earth years. They have a free society based on a code of ethics rather than laws, and they developed arts as an important base for their culture. For instance, their urbanism is quite interesting, using translucent organic materials and they use the science of sound quite a lot, in many domains. They communicate telepathically but have kept the use of language, to be able to converse with other members of the Federation.

Scientific Curiosity and Interstellar Travel

Metonii are not very eager to travel, but for scientific curiosity. And as such, scientific curiosity moved them to Earth for observation. Many Metoni enrolled the science station of the Galactic Federation in orbit of Earth. Their ships are metallic and discoidal with a low dome and three sets of windows all around. They are about 60 feet large. The bright radiance around the vessel is due to the ignition of the distortion field, in order to allow travelling instantly between two points, creating a distortion into the space-continuum and jump into the ether.

This is slightly different from what you would call quantum travel. As to pass through this interdimensional shift, as it always is the rule wherever you stand within the multiverse, the occupants of the ship need to merge their being as one frequency with the ship itself, it is what is named “etheric travel”. Something happens which is very interesting for your curiosity, as the question is often asked, in the subject of atmospheric condensation.

Many species using etheric mobility, when encountering the atmosphere of a world, have their ship cloaked in a cloud. This is a condensation process of the molecules in the atmosphere, created around the ship due to the heat generated by the dimensional distortion field around the craft.

The Magnificent Motherships

The motherships are very big, they never land and have a long cylindrical shape with rounded extremities (which differentiate them from the Pleiadean ones with flat ends). They can transport up to 24 ships.

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