Tauranga and Waikato regional rail plan

Opinion – “There are those who never stretch out the hand for fear it will be bitten. But those who never stretch out the hand will never feel it clasped in friendship” – Baron Michael Heseltine, CH PC \
This is just one of many memorable quotes in the document titled [“Making Rail Work”](https://tarakinglobal.com/?trk=public_post_share-update_update-text) released by [Tarakin Global](https://tarakinglobal.com/?trk=public_post_share-update_update-text) and specifically author Katrina Ramage. It is now available for [download](https://tarakinglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2022-Making-Rail-Work-Tarakin-Global-FINAL.pdf). \
The document is a conversation starter on how Inter-regional Rail passenger could evolve in New Zealand – starting specifically with a community proposal for the re-introduction of an intercity passenger rail link to Tauranga. It is not a document full of “the numbers and financials” – this will follow in due course, as it always does, but it is about the desire and ultimate need to change and do stuff. It is about identifying what we want and need for a progressive sustainable future through community engagement and partnership with various other parties including private and public entities. \
It puts rail into a broad global context and touches on things such as approach, vision, governance and funding, routes and timetables, global impacts, stakeholder engagement, placemaking and political approaches. It really is Big picture stuff however it is just a start- well done Katrina!. \
Further it is a community appeal to have our local and central influencers start a conversation that is inter-generational and cross societal and from all political perspectives on what we want out of our railway – specifically, but not just limited to, Tauranga and Waikato. \
It has already been well received from local and central political influencers but it is the New Zealand people and their communities that matter most – in this case Tauranga and Waikato.   \
*An opinion by Michael van Drogenbroek a Transport Consultant/Advisor at Heriot-Edievale Ltd with 30 plus years’ experience. Currently, he is working with various clients on rail, public transport, and freight development projects both in New Zealand and overseas jurisdictions including the Middle East.* \
*This opinion has been republished on publictransportforum.nz with permission from the original author.*

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