Acid thrown at Police during Melbourne protests

24 police officers are being treated after acid was hurled over them by Islamic extremists, during the pro terrorism rally today.

Commissioner Patton said that balloons were hurled at cops containing diluted acid, leaving some officers with rashes. 

‘One was hit with a beer bottle. One had a full can of baked beans thrown at them. It was appalling behaviour,’ he said.

Commisioner Patton defended the actions of his officers and rubbished calls for an independent inquiry into their behaviour. 

‘We have conducted ourselves properly. I couldn’t be prouder of the offices down there and to see the way they used restraint,’ he said.

Throwing ACID over police is an act of terrorism I expect to see the Prime Minister and Head of ASIO on 6pm news tonight explaining this, otherwise the PM is complicit Never forget on Australia Day the counter terror squad held Nationalists on a train would not let them peacefully meet.

The PM told us they were a threat – while these extremists were enabled by the government to protest in our national day.

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