The Al Gruu-Al’ix – Exploring the Mysteries of the Cetus Reptilian Civilization

Image depicting an Al Gruu-Al’ix reptilian, representative of the Cetus reptilian civilization

The Al Gruualix from Cetus

The Al Gruualix hail from the constellation Cetus, situated near Deneb Kaitos Shemali (iota Ceti). They refer to their star as Assari and their home planet is Orgona. Despite their ancient origins, they are not a populous species and exclusively inhabit Orgona, a planet enveloped by a dense gaseous atmosphere.

Orgona: The Tropical Rainforest World

Orgona resembles a tropical rainforest planet, characterized by dimmed light due to the star’s dimness and the dense atmosphere. The atmosphere appears as a blue-greyish steam, creating a perpetually wet environment.

The Appearance and Biology of the Al Gruualix

The Al Gruualix have a reptilian appearance and stand at an average height of about 6 feet (1.83 meters). Despite their resemblance to Reptilians, they share no biological or cultural similarities except in outward appearance. Notably, the Al Gruualix exhibit a unique reproductive system with eight genders, allowing all members to reproduce through sexual contact with each other.

Pacifism and Membership in the Galactic Federation of Worlds

Known for their pacifist nature, the Al Gruualix have historically avoided involvement in conflicts such as the Lyran wars to protect their species. However, they recently joined the Galactic Federation of Worlds after a prolonged period of diplomatic disengagement. This decision grants them economic, technological and protective benefits, ensuring their continued existence and growth within the Federation.

Challenges in Travel and Interactions with Terra

Due to their unique life-support requirements, the Al Gruualix face challenges in traveling beyond Orgona. Their ships must recreate the wet gaseous conditions vital for their survival. Moreover, exposure to the dryness and intense sunlight of Earth poses a severe threat, leading to potential skin desiccation and harm.

Scientific Curiosity and Limited Interactions

Despite these challenges, the Al Gruualix occasionally visit Earth out of scientific curiosity, engaging in rare instances of abduction. Their ships, crafted from pure light and resembling vertical ovoids, reflect an advanced technology developed by their ancestors. However, much of this knowledge has been lost over time, leaving them with the ability to concentrate light into crystalline forms without full understanding.

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