Calls for children to ride free on Myki Network

There are calls for children or those under 18 to ride free on public transport in Victoria within the Myki Network.

Giving kids free PT would not only encourage more to take PT to school rather than be driven and also make family day trips to the city cheaper than driving – it currently costs $21.60 for 2 adults and 2 kids on weekend.

Removing the need for a myki card for under 18 would save administrative costs

Removing the need for a myki to travel on the network for those attending school would reduce administrative costs for both parents, schools and the PTV. In stead all children should be issued with a free myki card.

Children under 15 enjoy free public transport in the UK and implementing a similar system here would encourage PT use and break generational Melbourne habits of buying and driving a car later in their teens.

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