UFO Crash Retrievals, Lockheed Alien Experiments & Remote Viewing

UFO Crash Retrievals,
Lockheed Alien Experiments & Remote Viewing

Luis “Lue” Elizondo is the former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated UFOs, now referred to as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). A veteran of the U.S. Army, he has worked in counterintelligence and counterterrorism worldwide.


0:00 – Writing #1 NYT Book in America
4:45 – Working for Military in Korea/Afghanistan; Daughter born premature
7:54 – Lue joins Director of Office of Intelligence
16:22 – Jim Lacatski & UFO Program
20:03 – First Meeting in Top Secret Room (SCIF Breakdown), Espionage Tools

26:50 – AAWSAP & AATIP UAP Programs; Senator Harry Reid & Robert Bigelow
33:38 – How AAWSAP transitioned to AATIP & what mission is
39:32 – Living with Top Secret Intel & Shocking Reaction, Signatures of UFOs
44:45 – Brazil Colares UAP Incident w/ Jaque Vallee & Hal Puthoff
50:09 – The 5 Observable UFO Features
58:12 – Colares Brazil UFO Incident Conclusions, Methodology Investigating UFOs
1:07:12 – 3 Alien Possibilities; UFO Nuclear Sightings; UFO Abductions
1:16:55 – Human Origins & Scientific Method; 5 Senses & Human Bias; Avogadro’s Constant
1:27:43 – Creepy Submarine UFO Story
1:29:58 – Most Compelling UFO Abduction Cases (Rendlesham Case & CIA Spy)
1:33:04 – Lue Experiencing Light Orbs

1:37:43 – Lue Studied Gov UFO History; “Hot Words”
1:40:12 – Declassified Technology; Pentagon Bureaucracy
1:45:43 – Lue’s late Cuban Revolutionary Dad
1:50:49 – Lue still working for Intel?
1:51:55 – Edward Snowden vs UAP Disclosure debate
1:56:02 – The “I Wanna Believe!” Cult; Responsibility of disclosure
1:58:38 – Does Lue worry about being a useful idiot?
2:01:02 – The Pentagon’s Secret Biblical Elite; UFOs: Angels & Demons?
2:09:31 – The 3 Doors Lue could be: Liar, Prophet, or Psyop
2:22:07 – Pentagon groupthink bias; Intel “weight”; Institutions Broken Trust
2:29:23 – Lockheed Martin, Skunkworks & Private UFO Crash Retrievals
2:35:36 – Pentagon “Eminent Domain” & UFO Crash Retrievals Evidence
2:41:05 – Has Lue seen Recovered UFO in person?
2:47:52 – Future Humans / Advanced Civilization Simulation
2:50:46 – The “threat” assessment of UAP
2:53:13 – Hal Puthoff, Lue & Pentagon “leaders”
2:59:23 – 2009 Gimbal UFO Video & 2004 Fravor Tic Tac Video
3:03:02 – DARPA Weapons?
3:05:42 – Operation Interloper; Christopher Mellon & Cold War
3:11:37 – Remote Viewing & CIA’s Stargate Project
3:18:40 – Does Lue Believe in God?

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Mv8NVtNbZ5U?si=fpByZ9W0dth-3eYB

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