Firm cybersecurity for CBTC

Siemens Mobility places cybersecurity at the forefront of its priorities to ensure the integrity and safety of its CBTC solutions.

Digitalisation is transforming the landscape of modern transportation systems and with it, the security of Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) systems has become increasingly important. 

Siemens Mobility’s commitment to digital solutions is underscored by a comprehensive approach to safeguarding critical railway infrastructure solutions worldwide. 

By leveraging state-of-the-art technology and adhering to industry-leading standards, Siemens Mobility addresses the unique challenges posed by the integration of CBTC systems into modern rail networks.

The rise of CBTC

Semens Mobility Cybersecurity Solutions Product Manager Lena Harnisch said CBTC had revolutionised rail transport by replacing traditional signalling systems with advanced communication technologies. 

CBTC allows for real-time communication between trains and the control centre, optimising train movements, reducing headways, and enhancing overall operational efficiency. 

“While these advancements are commendable, the increasing connectivity and reliance on digital infrastructure introduce vulnerabilities that demand a robust cybersecurity framework,” Harnisch said.

“The railway sector is not immune to the growing threat landscape of cyber-attacks. The potential consequences of a cybersecurity breach in a CBTC system are far-reaching, impacting not only operational efficiency but also passenger safety. 

“Threat actors may target CBTC systems to disrupt train operations, manipulate signalling information, or even gain unauthorised access to critical infrastructure.”

The charter of trust

Siemens Mobility aligns with the Charter of Trust, a global initiative advocating for increased cybersecurity in critical infrastructure. 

Launched in 2018, this collaborative effort brings together leading companies from different sectors to address the increasing threats and challenges posed by cyberattacks. 

By committing to the Charter’s principles, Siemens Mobility underscores its dedication to enhancing the security and resilience of CBTC systems. 

Security architecture

Harnisch said a solid security architecture formed the backbone of Siemens Mobility’s CBTC cybersecurity strategy. 

“The company adopts an integrated approach, combining physical and cyber defenses to create a resilient barrier against potential threats. By implementing defense-in-depth strategies, Siemens Mobility ensures that CBTC systems remain secure against evolving cyber risks,” she said.

“The concept of defense-in-depth is a fundamental strategy in cybersecurity that involves deploying multiple layers of security measures to protect a system or network. 

“Rather than relying on a single line of defense, this approach aims to create a resilient and comprehensive security posture by implementing a series of diverse and overlapping security mechanisms.

“The core idea behind defense in depth is to minimise the impact of a potential security breach or cyber-attack by requiring adversaries to overcome multiple layers of protection. 

“Each layer may consist of various security controls, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, access controls, encryption, and regular security audits. The diversity of these measures ensures that even if one layer is compromised, other layers remain intact to thwart further exploitation.”

Another key building block of the security by design approach is the CoreShield product family from Siemens Mobility. 

It is a suite of advanced cybersecurity solutions designed to protect critical transportation systems and provides a multi-layered defense mechanism against potential vulnerabilities and attacks.

“By continuously monitoring network activities and analysing patterns, CoreShield can identify and block potential threats in real-time. This proactive approach ensures that any malicious activity is promptly addressed, preventing disruptions to transportation services,” Harnisch said.

Adherence to industry standards

Siemens Mobility places great emphasis on industry standards such as TS 50701 and the IEC 62443 series., which provide a framework for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving cybersecurity in industrial automation and control systems, including those in the railway sector. 

Harnisch  said that by adhering to these standards, Siemens Mobility ensured that its CBTC systems meet the highest cybersecurity benchmarks.

Penetration testing

To stay ahead of potential threats, Siemens Mobility conducts regular penetration testing on its CBTC systems. 

This systematic testing process involves simulating real-world cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities in the system’s security defenses. 

The primary objectives of penetration testing include assessing the effectiveness of existing security measures, uncovering potential weaknesses, and providing actionable insights for mitigation. 

By subjecting its systems to rigorous testing, Siemens Mobility demonstrates its commitment to delivering robust and secure CBTC solutions.

Security awareness

Siemens Mobility also places a strong emphasis on user education and training to empower railway personnel with the knowledge required to mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively. 

“Siemens Mobility ensures that operators and maintenance teams are well-equipped to identify and respond to potential security incidents promptly,” Harnisch said.

“Siemens Mobility adheres to the principle of security by design, integrating cybersecurity measures at every stage of CBTC system development. By embedding security considerations into the design and development processes, it ensures that cybersecurity is not an afterthought but an integral part of the entire life cycle of CBTC solutions.”

Securing the rails

Siemens Mobility’s holistic approach to cybersecurity, encompassing the Charter of Trust, the development of an advanced security architecture based on the defense in depth approach and using proven state-of-the-art solutions, adherence to industry standards, and rigorous penetration testing, establishes the company as a pioneer in ensuring the safety and reliability of CBTC systems. 

“Siemens Mobility remains steadfast in its commitment to securing the rails and contributing to the future of safe and efficient transportation,” Harnisch said.


The post Firm cybersecurity for CBTC appeared first on Rail Express.

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