Concrete hut


Yes more crazy old stuff. ref. the post below, a tally hut for the private siding. The cognoscenti will recognise this as not being an expensive etched brass kit, and for me points out exactly what is wrong with the hobby; we’re getting so the high cost and the new have become more important than polishing what is already out there. (tap, tap). It is of course, one of these…

The very long in the tooth Hornby, nee Triang, turntable motor covering hut. The window frames aside it is a very crisp detailed moulding and with a bit of gentle alteration and paint comes out quite well. These are ubiquitous in rummage boxes at exhibitions and can be pence to purchase. Play that against the equivalent P*c* kit at about £4 and you’re on a winner. In a few short moments this will be installed on Rhiw 2 where no one will see it.

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