Former Ayatollah Daniel Andrews to be immortalised with statue

Well good morning and just as people start to emerge from their slumber here’s something to make them choke on their Corn Flakes…it appears Victoria is indeed going to get a statue of the former Ayatollah Daniel Andrews.

Now not many of us want to recall or talk the Andrews years, but are the powers that be serious? Yesterday we heard that the SRL project is billions of dollars over budget, the state is on the verge of having its credit rating downgraded, businesses are closing left right and centre and yet we can find the money to make a statue of Andrews?

Now admittedly the statue wouldn’t cost as much as a few metres of the SRL but leaving aside the money could there be a bigger misread of the room?

Let us never forget the emerging and building scandal over a serious accident involving a cyclist and Mr. Andrews on the sleepy morning peninsula.

And once you’ve stopped choking on your Corn Flakes over Andrews go and have a look at the AFR magazine to give yourself a laugh by having a look at the photo shoot the likes of Albo, Michelle Bullock, Peter Dutton, Jim Chalmers et al have been part of…what an absolute joke that is! These are apparently the most powerful people and it’s astonishing how utterly delusional they are…AND all done on the tax payer dime.

Who said crime doesn’t pay?

Enjoy your public holiday if you’re not working and keep on asking why Hoodies? Because we won’t ever run photo shoots with politicians!

2 thoughts on “Former Ayatollah Daniel Andrews to be immortalised with statue

  1. The state is broke…..not point getting them to be squeezing blood from a stone…

    They got twisted priorities can’t find $ for hospital and essential services etc.

    But can pull out $ from tax payers for a useless statue of person who defeats the purpose of recognising merit and dedications to a selfless cause…..

    This “thing” or man is the last to be immortalised….

    He cause some much distress over a virus response that was heavy handed!

    Small Business went broke, and these tax funded leeches got richer at the state expense!

    They are really rubbing salt in people’s wounds…..his track record speaks he shouldn’t be rewarded for his ghasty deeds….a AO demeaning a award for merit etc. but enabled by equally suspect people in positions of great responsblity!

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