Weathered by Philden Showcase 26

This week I managed to fire-up my airbrush and weather a couple of boxes of the SDS Models FX/VPFX flour wagons to list on eBay. These were the very last of my Victorian HO scale models I had sitting aside waiting to for some spare time to give them a light rust spot treatment and general coat of grime, before they found new homes.

Also in need of finding new owners, were my pair of CFCLA diesel locomotives, FL220 and JL406.

After providing years of enjoyment on my former Philden Street Yard layout, and then surviving a further year of running on my NSW North Coast Philden Beach layout, the time seemed right to move them both on. Especially as I am wanting to nudge the timeline forward to include some QR National running on the Beach.
My DCC sound equipped Auscision Models ex-422 Class loco sold first.
And the DCC sound equipped Auscision Models ex-442 Class followed a week later.
This SDS Models VPFX flour wagon is finished in silver with the large Victorian Railways VR logo.
While this VPFX flour wagon is painted white with the large VR logo.
This is an earlier FX flour wagon with the Kimpton’s and So-Lite Flour logos on the side.
This FX flour wagon features the Water Wheel Flour logos.
While this FX wagon has only a very light application of rust and grime.

I guess by moving on my CFCLA pairing of Auscision Models locos, I’m keeping the traffic on my small shelf layout fluid. Both locos ended up going to the same owner, so its a nice thought to know they will be plying some new rails together for the years to come.

My thoughts can now turn to planning to introduce some more region-specific power onto my Philden Beach layout and further fine tuning my modern-ish era.
My latest batch of weathered flour wagons are now all live on eBay, and take the number of models I have weathered in this little venture to over 250. More importantly, the total number I have sold now stands at 232, which is a pleasing success rate. My next weathering weekend will see me finally attack my sugar hopper fleet for Philden Beach, and 4 lone N scale coal hoppers that I misplaced after my N scale sell-off late last year. The boxes are so tiny I must have missed them! I’m just waiting on my graffitti decals to arrive so I can do a real job on them all.
Click on the above banner to view my eBay sale…

As has been the custom since I started weathering some models to offer for sale alongside my own books, all models sold come with a signed certificate, just so you know that the model has been personally detailed by me. It is just a small way of saying thanks for your continued support as a writer, modeller and general all-round railway tragic. Without the added sales through my eBay shop, ultimately this blog would not be able to continue.

For my own record…
Models sold 232/255

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