Cancel the Statue of Daniel Andrews

The proposal to honour Daniel Andrews with a statue is a deeply troubling decision. As the former Premier of Victoria, Andrews left behind a legacy marred by scandal, authoritarian policies, a broken health public system and human rights abuses.

Many Victorians continue to suffer from the impacts of his decisions. The idea of immortalising a leader so divisive in the state’s history is an affront to the people who endured hardship under his government.

This petition opposes the statue on the grounds of:

Public Outrage and Distrust: Andrews’ leadership saw some of the most restrictive lockdowns globally, leading to widespread economic and social devastation. The policies of his government contributed to over 800 deaths, countless job losses, and severe impacts on mental health, with many people still recovering today.

Scandal and Allegations: The former premier remains at the center of numerous controversies, including record-breaking state debt, massive budget blowouts, a deteriorating public health system, teacher and police shortage, and the internationally embarrassing cancellation of the Commonwealth Games.

Additionally, Andrews is involved in the ongoing “Bike Boy Scandal,” stemming from a 2013 car crash with allegations that he may have provided false statements to police. These unresolved legal matters, alongside his damaging legacy, make it clear that Daniel Andrews should never be commemorated with a statue or any form of public honour.

Fiscal Responsibility and Sensitivity: With Victorians struggling due to a cost-of-living crisis, it is unconscionable to spend taxpayer dollars on a statue honouring one of the most divisive figures in recent memory.

We firmly believe Daniel Andrews should not be immortalised with a statue or monument. 

Not only is it a gross misuse of public funds, but it is also deeply insensitive to many Victorians, especially for those who suffered during his time as premier. Such a statue would serve as a painful and enduring reminder of the hardships they endured under his leadership.

Calling Victorians to Action: If Premier Jacinta Allan and the Victorian Labor Party had any integrity, they would reject and cancel this planned statue.

We ask all Victorians, regardless of political affiliation, to unite in demanding that the Victorian Labor Government and Premier Jacinta Allan cancel the statue––permanently.

This is not a matter of partisan politics; it is a call for accountability, and for the self-respect for the people of Victoria. No taxpayer money should be spent on glorifying a controversial leader whose policies led to widespread pain and division.

Please sign and share this petition and share it widely. Thank you.

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