So That Happened! Eight Incredibly Weird UFO Encounters

So That Happened!
Eight Incredibly Weird UFO Encounters

Some UFO encounters are so incredibly weird, that after it occurs people can hardly believe that it actually happened! This episode presents eight cases from across the world of truly high strangeness, each involving close encounters of the second kind, in which the environment is affected in some way. Many of these cases have multiple witnesses, and virtually all of them involve some form of evidence: radar confirmation, photographs, landing traces, physiological effects, animal reactions, electromagnetic disturbances. These are the kinds of cases that simply cannot be denied.

UFO COLLIDES INTO A HOUSE. On April 23, 1966, Jeanne Kalnicki and her six kids were shocked to see a UFO hovering right outside their home in Dorchester, Massachusetts. It fact, it was so close, they thought it might hit them. It moved off, but just a few hours later, it was back, and this time it ran right into the side of their apartment building, causing the whole structure to vibrate and the power to go out. And this was just one of many sightings occurring in this area at that time.

A UFO WITH A MESSAGE. The night of December 12, 1967 would change the life of Rita Malley forever. As she drove with her young son near Ithaca, New York, a UFO began to follow her down the highway. Suddenly it struck her car with a beam of light, pulling it off the road. Then chorus of voices spoke to her, delivering a message that would chill her to the bone. The very next day, Rita learned that the message from the UFO was absolutely accurate. This case was just one of hundreds in the same area around the same time.

A VERY HOT UFO. Around 10:50 pm on August 13, 1970, patrolman Evald Maarup was driving near Haderslev, Denmark when his car and the surrounding area became illuminated by a blindingly brilliant light. As the engine and electrical system failed, Evald looked up and saw a UFO right above his car. Suddenly the interior of his vehicle became hot as a summer day. As it finally darted away, he managed to capture three photos of the object. Soon the UFOs would return, not only to him, but to others!

A SILVER UFO WITH PRONGS. One evening in October 1973, Mary Rose and her 11-year-old son Teddy were walking near their home in Wilcoe, West Virginia when a UFO dropped down and hovered a telephone-pole height overhead. Fear filled them as they watched two prong-like things come out from the bottom of the craft. Both could feel a weird sensation of heat and electricity, and thought that they were about to be taken into the craft. They ran and hid, and to their relief, the UFO darted away.

STRUCK BY A BEAM OF LIGHT FROM A UFO. Around dusk on June 17, 1977, Dale Schexnaider, and two children, Jena (age 14) and Krissy (age 11) were walking to their car at Cotile Lake in Louisiana when a UFO appeared. Suddenly it came right over their heads, sending down multiple beams of light which struck them on the solar plexus. They were unable to move and saw with shock that their entire bodies were glowing with electric-blue light. Hours later, a tragic event occurred which seemed connected to their sighting in some indefinable way.

ALIEN FOOTPRINTS? On the night of September 4, 1979, Jerzy Wasilewski left his 4th floor apartment in Wroclaw, Poland to take a short walk. He left his kitchen window open. Returning later, he was shocked to see 17 strange footprints leading from the open window, meandering around his kitchen and hallway, and going back to the open window. The prints looked like burn-marks from some strange creature. But a later analysis revealed that these prints were something much more strange and inexplicable.

I WAS TRYING HARD TO HOLD ONTO REALITY. On the night of March 8, 1982, “John” and his wife were in their home in Bethel, Connecticut when the whole house began to shake. Fearing an earthquake, they ran outside only to be confronted by a massive shadowy object with scores of tiny red lights lining its edges. John later found out that there were dozens of other witnesses in the area, some who saw the same object and also reported very strange effects.

HIGH STRANGENESS IN SLOCINA. At 10:42 pm on December 27, 2013, Ewa looked outside the window of her home in Slocina, Poland and saw a huge glowing UFO at treetop level. She called to her mother, Anna and both watched the object approach. Suddenly the sound from their loud radio disappeared and time seemed to move in slow motion. As the craft passed over a streetlamp, it pulled the light away from the streetlamp, as if it had some kind of forcefield that could bend light.

These eight case, all close encounters of the second kind, show that UFOs can affect the environment (and the witnesses) in weird and unusual ways that defy comprehension. Cases like these have much to teach us about these strange craft visiting our planet, and the behavior of the occupants inside them.

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