The MAD (Misinformation & Disinformation) Bill is the greatest threat to Australian democracy

The MAD (Misinformation & Disinformation) Bill is the greatest threat to Australian democracy since the Imperial Army of Japan were marching down the Kokoda Track.

If passed through Parliament, this Bill will create a MINISTRY of TRUTH run by zealots at the Australian Communications & Media Authority (AMCA).

They will have the power to write the so-called orwellian “Community Standards” for every social platform – not just X or Facebook, but Tiktok, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble, etc – whereby the eSafety Karens at ACMA get to deem what is “misinformation” and then force it to be censored on every platform.

This places the newly created Ministry of Truth above the Parliament. For if any of the debates of the Australian Parliament include any issue deemed as “misinformation” by the Ministry of Truth – the proceedings of Australian Parliament will be censored from the Australian people.

Don’t think it can’t happen ? It already has. During Covid, YouTube censored the proceedings of the Australian Parliament by removing speeches I made in favour a Bill making the act of using coercion to force an Australian citizen to undergo a medical intervention a violation of Human Rights under AustralIan law. YouTube had deemed that anything (including the debates within the Australian Parliament) contradicting the narrative that the covid jabs were “safe & effective” and must be injected into everyone as “misinformation” and had to be censored.

If the Bill passes, freedom of speech on the floor of Australian Parliament end and our democracy dies. For when a member of Parliament rises to their feet to speak, they will need to ensure that the contents of their speech complies with the Ministry of Truth’s latest determinations of what the Ministry deems as “misinformation” For if that Member of Parliament contradicts the Ministry of Truth during a Parliamentary debate, they will be censored on EVERY social media platform – unable be to communicate to the proceedings of the Parliament to their constituents.

Therefore if the Bill passes, we may as well shut the Parliament down.

Source: Craig Kelly

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