Living Energy Fields, Organic Technology – Interview with Dr. David Clements

Living Energy Fields, Organic Technology –
Interview with Dr. David Clements

In 2000, Dr. Clements. received a remote viewing kit, which he used to teach himself to use with stunning accuracy. Through remote viewing, he established contact with extraterrestrials from the Pleiades, Arcturus, and Andromedan star systems. Later, he began communicating with highly advanced extraterrestrials called the Elohim who became a part of his extraterrestrial team of advisors and helpers.

Dr. Clements bilocated his consciousness so he would be simultaneously resting at his home, while also in a starship interacting with extraterrestrials. On their ships, he described how all his physical senses engaged with the environment as though he was physically present.

In Dr. Clements interactions with his extraterrestrial team, he has gained much information, healing, and insights into the functions of different technologies. He describes the important role of one’s Higher Self in evaluating the information given by extraterrestrials in all cases and how his ET team encouraged him to do so.

Dr Clements describes the significance of connecting with the Sacred Heart Center which he distinguishes from the heart chakra found in Kundalini yoga systems. While the latter is part of an elaborate chakra system developed for experiencing life in the human body, the Sacred Heart Center has an infinity point that directly connects one to what he describes as the heart of the Universal Infinite.

Dr. Clements combined the scientific principles he acquired during his professional physics career and work with Dr. Bearden, Bedini, and Tesla, with the information received through his extraterrestrial team to develop bioenergetic fields. He asserts these bioenergetic fields comprise a living organic consciousness that interact with the Higher Self of those coming into the field that helps them connect to their sacred heart center. These living bioenergetic fields furthermore protects one from the harmful effects of EMFs and promote healing,

In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Dr. Clements describes his remarkable discoveries and introduces his Serenity Device that helped the London Office of David Icke’s company, Ickonic, recover from the effects of nearby 5G towers. Dr. Clements has generously offered a discount code for those purchasing any of his devices from his websites.


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