Labor’s misinformation bill could land you in jail

Experts are saying NO to Labor’s misinformation Bill.

They’re now warning it could lead to people going to jail!

The Communication Minister will be able to order hearings into misinformation.

And if people refuse to appear – they could end up behind bars!

Listen to the details HERE.

Can we please call an election

One thought on “Labor’s misinformation bill could land you in jail

  1. What a joke….who are they to determine what is mis information? The people pushing for it are all exempt from the bill with the state approved MSM outlets and educational institutions!!!

    The people who exempt from it can lie with impunity, this is getting be like the CCP say anything against the narrative despite with evidence will land you in Jail!

    Dangerous time ahead, I hope AUS people have long memories of these events and more mindful of whom their vote in roles of responsibility like they are when their own $$$ is at stake for footy tips for Grand Finals and Horse bets for Cup day!

    They make sure they know their merits, qualifications and track record of decisions /actions made for whatever team or horse some people place their hard earn cash for bets for the best outcome!

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