Drovers Brook track and plotting

With the track down, wired and tested; time for a little painting. In days of yore I would do this with a brush and it took an age. Now I wait for a reasonable day, take things outside and use the Nevard-lifted method of two or three colours of Halfords finest which takes a matter of minutes. Some cleaning up and a polish of the rail tops and it’s done.

Retesting and fitting onto the existing support system recently vacated by Rhiw 2, which is now stacked underneath, could take place. Some plotting of buildings which are largely done is the current state of play with the platform next on the table. The backscene and facia may well follow. This is a slightly different approach to normal as this is not a show bird, though others may follow as part of the Project 70 process. This is constantly moving and I am endlessly changing my mind on the direction that this might take though I have forced the channel of travel buy selling bits off via Ebay; the Wood End/009 stock box being the next to hit the exit.


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