What the hell has gone wrong with Victoria?

Victoria’s per capita public debt now stands at $28,000 per man, woman and child – 40 per cent higher than that of the other major states.

But the state’s looming fiscal disaster is merely one symptom of a state in much broader disarray.

Victorian Government is in disarray but many of the projects being undertaken with the exception of a few have been good and will be good for the economy and the future of Victoria.

Melbourne is the biggest city in Australia now and more are coming into the state so expect it to grow even more. Between the cities of Geelong and Ballarat the population is almost that of the ACT.

Get a grip people we need infrastructure investment and that includes the Suburban Rail Loop, Western Rail Plan (not delivered), Fast Rail to Geelong (not delivered) and more freight on rail where the freight task will over double in the coming. years.

Melbourne is already the most congested city in Australia and it is getting worse. The answer is not projects like the North East Link that will without a doubt create further traffic congestion. No one can explain why this project has been progressed especially when you look at the damage it has made to the environment.

Instead of investing heavily in regional rail services we are doubling down in road projects that are providing nothing more than additional congestion. Congestion growth they call it.

Why hasn’t V/Line begun to listen to communities who have been rejecting Vlocity trains and have been asking for a new longer distance train service replace the long distance N set coaches? Just today I can read Warrnambool passengers are now very concerned and are rejecting the proposed changes to their line to run smaller vlocity based services with no on board catering.

However the reckless actions of the former Chief Medical Officer of Victoria who incredibly won Victorian of the year (unbelievable how Victoria celebrates mediocrity), even with his alleged corrupt involvement in slugate together with Daniel Andrews has caused $billions of fiscal damage to Victoria. $billions. This is where the money has been wasted and a reason why Victoria is not a major destination for international investment.

Victoria has endured a useless and corrupt government for years now and this has indeed been the problem. The ALP believe they can do anything now scandal after scandal and not be held accountable or found to be corrupt. It goes on and on.

The blood is on the hands of the idealistic idiots who voted Labor election after election after election in Victoria. You get what you vote for. Why is it up to the right to constantly have to bring back into line bloated government departments, out of control councils, corrupt unions and layer upon layer of bureaucracy and red tape everytime they get in. Then the selfish voters become idealistic again and vote the left in, instead of accepting self responsibility for their futures. Where do we find the next Jeff Kennett to fix it? They don’t grow on trees! @CarterauX

Is this really the answer? We are still reeling from the terrible decisions of Jeff Kennett. The rail networks to parts of Victoria never recovered from his era with his popularity pivoting on the stealing of a motor race from South Australia such again is the intellect of Victorians.

2 thoughts on “What the hell has gone wrong with Victoria?

  1. Bradly I was taught it took two to tango….

    ALP was bad but NLP was no better….Lima Agreement comes to mind….we no longer manufacture our own train, cars etc. as all parties are guilty of pandering to the noisy minority who oppose the noise of those workshops and factories…but the ironic thing is those facilities were long there before they moved their or bought houses there…..

    For the record I once live near a airport and railway line but never gripped about the smell of jet fuel when the noise of the trains clattering by blasting their horns day and night when younger.

    Now on the state of Vic by nature some people are very inward thinking and don’t care until it starts to impact them too and their liveihoods!

    If people put more care like do they when their own personal wealth is stake they like do with Footy team bets and Horse bets whist selecting candidates for responsible roles with great impact of the wellbeing welfare of the country maybe this could be averted….Focusing on merits, qualifications for the role and past actions regardless on who or what they were perviously!!!

  2. The state spent too much money on corrupt projects and ignored others.

    The state went into lockdown for too long and this caused $billions in additional costs.

    Now taxes are going up and revenue is reducing at government level.

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