COMMENT: Virgin Trains Ticketing’s Mark Plowright reacts to Bradshaw Address

Mark Plowright, Director at Virgin Trains Ticketing, commented on the Bradshaw Address:

“No matter which side of the tracks you fall, it’s clear both the Conservatives and Labour want to expedite reform by showing their commitment to improving the railways by putting passengers first. Whilst this is a welcome green signal, I remain disappointed that neither minister in this year’s Bradshaw Address specifically spoke about rail retail, beyond fare reform. Buying a train ticket is the first interaction any passenger has with the network and getting the rail ‘shop window’ right is crucial if we are going to boost rail ridership in the UK. 


“That means fare reform – simpler and cheaper fares – but it also means addressing the regulatory divide between train operators and rail retailers, which is outdated, confuses passengers and stifles competition and consumer choice. Independent rail retailers play a vital role in helping drive modal shift and attract new passengers to the railways. From a passenger point of view, making proposition and fulfilment methods available across all retail platforms is the only way to make buying a train ticket easy and accessible for all. I’d like to see rail retail move up the agenda before the election and not something that’s left in the sidings.”

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