Vlocity trains are not the answer for Regional Victoria

Well, well it finally happen the locals are getting restless about what the benchmark of Vic Regional Travel seems to be replaced with “Modern” trains which not fit for purpose for trips exceeding 2.5 hr to terminating point and a little time to get food and drinks before travellers do coach transfers when no eating or drinking apples to some coach.

There has been much upset and pushback from regional communities on the removal of carriages designed for longer distance and far more comfortable than the cheaper and noisy Vlocity train sets.

Further, the proposed introduction of Vlocity Trains on the Warrnambool Line will see almost 1/3 of seats per service taken way from the line and the very popular snack bar will also be removed. V/Line seem to believe removing comfort and amenities from longer distance trains is something the travelling public support, they could not be more wrong.

This is what happens when decision makers make decisions on the traveller’s behalf treats Regional travellers differently to the City dwelling people.

N sets are long in tooth, and were good in their prime but will still hold their ground for a few years more until a newer regional train is designed and delivered.

But it was the acceptable standard for longer routes unlike the shorter distance DMU Velocities pushed to do the longer routes over these older loco trains currently.

I like to see a layout to replace the aging N set similar to the aging XPT and very modern QR Tilt train from Alstom….where motor trailers are at the ends of the train and passengers isolated away from the constant vibration and pressure of the traction engines on the DMUs…


Credit to Bob Kilmartin for sharing the news article In the Warrnambool Standard.

8 thoughts on “Vlocity trains are not the answer for Regional Victoria

  1. A council now stepping in to say enough of this junk and give us some real trains if you are taking away our n set longer distance trains. Hopefully swan hill council is smart enough to also object.

    Was Warrnambool council consulted on the decision to plan a removal of n sets sold as an upgrade but really a downgrade.

    1. Rick do you know what council is opposing these ill thought out decision of replacing what was the acceptable standard of rail travel for regional Vic?

      I thought the Warrnambool Council was pro Velocity…..I wonder did they get misled or something?

      I don’t understand….am I missing something?

      1. Recall reading the council were pushing for the vlocity trains of course they do not understand it and now they would be thinking this may not be a great idea. Someone should call them and ask their views. I bet they will sit on the fence now.

        You also have the local member selling snake oil and misleading the public on the number of seats being reduced.

        1. Yes they were actually leaning on the government for the trains. Maybe they have realised there are issues with this approach given the trains they have now are better to service the journey.

      2. I contacted the council and they were very sheepish about their support and not realising the issues they were going to face. They are in denial of course.

        Let’s hope Swan Hill Council will act and Warrnambool can get some traction also.

        1. Bradly does It seems to your comments and experience it look the council is back paddling and is very guarded with they say?

          Not realising and in denial?

          I think they may have known but don’t really care as it doesn’t seem to impact them in the fallout until now I think there’s election coming and they want people’s votes……

          1. They knew as I spoke with one of the councillors and they are not happy about it and are not happy with the Government. They fear a backlash.

      3. I would think snuffles all councils would now be thinking about the changes to their services. Warrnambool line I read will have less seats how can this be good?

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