The Lang – Exploring the Graceful Civilization of Astorah in Coma Berenice

A Lang female adorned with feathers, beads, and colorful body decorations, representing the graceful civilization of Coma Berenices Astorah

Origin and Star System

The Lang species originates from Astorah, the sixth star in the constellation known as “Coma Berenice.” Within this star system, consisting of ten planets, the Lang occupy three worlds.

Physical Characteristics and Cultural Aesthetics

Lang are gracious humanoid beings, standing at about 2 feet tall (0.61 meters). They have a profound appreciation for aesthetics and creativity, adorning themselves with body decorations such as blue skin pigments, feathers, beads and shiny trinkets. These adornments serve both artistic purposes and as a means of tribal recognition. Their clothing, albeit minimal, is vibrant and colorful.

Symbiosis with Nature and Spiritual Beliefs

Nature holds immense significance in the lives of the Lang, with whom they share a deep symbiotic connection, both physically and spiritually. While they hunt and consume other creatures, they do so with reverence for the cycles of life, which they consider sacred. Despite their seemingly primitive culture, the Lang possess advanced technology, particularly in the fields of medicine and space travel. Their society operates through a caste system, reflecting diverse levels of civilization.

Integration into the Galactic Federation of Worlds

The Lang species is an integral part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, contributing their unique perspectives and advancements to the collective.

Historical Encounters with Humanity

Lang visitors were among the earliest extraterrestrial beings to discover Terra (Earth). They are remembered in Northern European folklore as elves and fairy folk, often associated with the mysterious “Little People.” Notably, the Lang have never engaged in the abduction of humans, instead, they have been known to rescue numerous individuals from encounters with hostile forces such as the Reptilians.

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