Contact with Andromedan ETs and Revealing Earth Alliance Ops to Liberate DUMBs

Contact with Andromedan ETs and Revealing
Earth Alliance Ops to Liberate DUMBs

Dr. Michael Salla:

In 2020, Lily Nova took up a new hobby of astrophotography and soon found evidence of UFOs in the many photos and videos she was taking. She noticed some UFOs responded to her mental suggestions, and Nova also recorded golden orbs near her. She began seeing and communicating with one of the orb operators, who turned out to be a blue-skinned female from the Andromeda Constellation called Talia. Over the subsequent months, Talia trained Nova to develop her telepathic, remote viewing, and other psychic abilities. Nova also began communicating with other extraterrestrials traveling in UFOs, which she recorded using time-lapse photography.

More recently, in 2024, Nova traveled to an underground facility in Rock City, Illinois, where she remote viewed Arachnoid and Draco extraterrestrials, along with Illuminati officials and scientists operating in deeper levels of the base conducting abusive genetic experiments on human subjects. She found evidence of human trafficking involving children that was still happening at Rock City. She was told that the Andromedans are working with an Earth Alliance, which was soon to take military action to liberate Rock City and other Deep State underground installations.


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