North Sea Port upgrade to be ready by the end of the year

The ‘ring track’ on the Belgian side of the North Sea Port, connecting the northern and southern quay tracks of the dock, is expected to be operational before the end of 2024. The project, carried out by North Sea Port and Belgium’s infrastructure manager Infrabel should significantly speed up rail-port operations.
“The ring track ensures that freight trains coming from the Ghent-Zeehaven marshalling yard can continue directly and pulled (with a locomotive at the front) to the terminals at the Kluizendok”, North Sea Port claimed. Currently, trains wanting to reach the southern quay have to undertake a complicated maneuvre in the Zandeken track bundle and to move song 3 kilometres of track at a speed of 10 km/h.

The works on the ring started last year. North Sea Port took care of drainage and stabilisation works, after which Infrabel commenced laying the tracks. One and a half kilometres of tracks are being laid, together with nine new switches. The total investment amounts to 7 million euros, 4.7 million euros from NSP and 2.3 from Infrabel.

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