A rail spur is urgently required for a major grain terminal near Cressy. The terminal is approximately 6kms by the existing rail easement to the cressy station area and connection to the Maroona to Geelong Main Standard Gauge Line.
Freight Victoria the arm of the Victorian Government has not acted on any requests for new intermodal terminals or sensible grain branch/spur lines to customers who have grain storage facilities since they were formed and expected to do so.
In fact years have already elapsed without delivery of key freight projects.
It is impossible to identify a single rail project this department within the government have actually delivered for the people and businesses of Victoria. All that can be identified is Victrack removing more and more rail network stopping freight trains from accessing important markets and driving more trucks onto the states roads.
This 6 km spur directly to the interstate network would be very useful reducing truck movements from the surrounding roads which have already fallen into disrepair.
Freight policy under the Labor Government has been a failure with too many trucks, too little rail freight and our roads a mess with Vicroads permitting larger and larger trucks making roads less safe.
The rail easement is available for the relaying of track and would be a short spur similar to that servicing the Morwell Paper Factory.
These are exactly the type of projects the Victoria Government should be investing in. Connecting customers to the network drives business and being SG the goods can flow to any state or territory.
Any chance to reduce the number of trucks on the roads is positive. Immediate investigation required.
What the hell is freight Victoria doing for their wages?