The Giansar – Dark Sorcerer Priests with a Sinister Agenda from Sigma Draconis

A Giansar figure wearing a dark hooded robe, representing the dark sorcerer priests of Sigma Draconis

Origins and Homeworld

The Giansar, also known as Iguanoids or Sauroids, hail from the planet Tiphon in the Sigma Draconis system. Standing 4-5 feet tall (1.22 to 1.52 meters), they possess elongated faces, tails and yellowish to green lizard-like skin.

Physical Characteristics

When present on Earth, Giansar often conceal their saurian features by donning dark, hooded robes or cloaks. Despite their humanoid appearance, they are extremely dangerous and harbor intense animosity towards humans and lesser-ranking Reptiloids such as Greys.

Behavior and Abilities

Giansar are believed to belong to a dimension-hopping sorcerer or priest class among the reptiloid species. They exhibit vampiric tendencies, feeding off human emotional life essence to sustain their auric power and enslave individuals through their vices and weaknesses.

Agenda and Threat

Aligned with the broader reptilian agenda of conquest, assimilation and consumption, Giansar use humans as hosts for genetic, psychic and bioplasmic assimilation. They employ dark magical rituals, including summoning entities from other dimensions, to further their objectives.

Resistance and Countermeasures

The most effective means of combating Giansar influence is through internal resistance, self-healing and personal growth. Shining one’s light and addressing personal weaknesses are crucial steps in countering their parasitic manipulation.

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