The Draco-Borgs Men in Black – Cybernetic Enforcers of Government Secrets

Illustration of a cybernetic humanoid dressed in black attire, representing the mysterious Men in Black, also known as Draco-Borgs

MIB or Draco-Borgs

The so-called “Men In Black” are cybernetic life-forms controlled by the Ciakahrr in collaboration with the US government’s secret divisions. Typically, during their visits intended to intimidate, they are accompanied by a true reptilian shapeshifter.

Identification and Characteristics

These synthetic creatures are often infiltrated into Terran societies. Recognizing them can be similar to identifying a shapeshifter, with particular attention to a peculiar synthetic smell, unrefined features, lack of fingerprints and faint or artificial-looking ears.

Manipulation Tactics

They are also commonly referred to as “Horlocks,” these entities utilize mind control—a specialty of reptilian beings—and instill fear to dissuade witnesses. They are known to use psychological manipulation tactics and threats to maintain secrecy.

Operations and Apparatus

These cybernetic entities are often observed moving in black cars and black helicopters. They are frequently associated with underground facilities and clandestine operations conducted by the US government’s covert divisions.

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