Tender announced for Ulaanbaatar metro

ULAANBAATAR’s mayor launched an international tender on February 29 to support the construction of a $US 1.3bn metro line in the Mongolian capital.

The preferred bidder will provide consulting services for the construction of a 17.7km metro line, including 6.6km underground, and also be responsible for developing the project’s terms of reference and technical specifications.

This initial tender closes on March 18 and the city expects to spend a total of $US 53.5m on consulting services in the course of delivering the project, which is expected to complete in 2030.

The new line will run from Sonsgolon Intersection to Amgalan Market and include 14 stations, spaced approximately 1.3km apart. The projected travel time for the whole route will be 27 minutes, at an average speed of 39.2km/h, with capacity for up to 17,000 passengers per hour.

The new line is designed to reduce traffic congestion in the capital, with movements forecast to drop by 16% and average speeds to rise by 25%. A reduction in travel times is expected to increasing ease of access to the city centre and help support business growth and job creation. A comparable bus journey of 45 minutes is likely to be reduced to just 15 minutes on the metro.

The project will also reduce CO2 emissions, helping to tackle local pollution levels and increase air quality.

“The construction of Ulaanbaatar’s new subway system will deliver significant benefits for local citizens, says K. Nyambaatar, Ulaanbaatar’s mayor, “and support the long-term, sustainable growth of our city, creating more opportunities for those living and working here.”

“Without the rail line, new development would bring an unmanageable level of congestion to the local road network, making this connection essential for new housing to be brought forward.”

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