A Gray Alien Named Sen

A Gray Alien Named Sen

This is the story of Julia (pseudonym) and her encounters with a gray alien named Sen. At age 19, Julia left her family and home in Prunedale, California. Her childhood had been difficult, filled with unexplained events. She had tried to get help from her parents, but they were strict and didn’t understand. So Julia left everything behind and decided to get as far away from her home as she could.

She ended up settling on the east coast of the United States, where she began to rebuild her life. She found a job, a place to live. She started her own small business, made friends, and met the man who would one day become her husband. Finally secure, she began to examine her childhood, trying to figure out the source of her trauma. She remembered terrifying events during which her room would fill with light and shadowy figures would approach her. She came upon the subject of aliens and UFOs. That’s probably what happened she realized. It was aliens. But the whole idea terrified her and she refused to think about it.

A few years later, Julia felt a powerful compulsion to move back to California. Although her life was going great, she and her boyfriend picked up everything and moved to Pacific Grove, not far from her childhood home. The very day they finished moving in, strange things began to happen.

It started with a weird ringing sound in her right ear. She went to the doctor, but he couldn’t explain it. There were no insects in her ear canal as she feared. It wasn’t tinnitus. The doctor had no diagnosis.

Then came the UFO sightings, weird glowing orbs hovering over the house. Then one evening, there was a ship overhead. Julia saw it through the skylight above her bed. Next thing she knew, she was paralyzed. A short time later, she fell asleep.

In the morning, she told her boyfriend. She could no longer live in denial. The memories of her childhood experiences were flooding back. The excruciating tones in her right ear were becoming unbearable. UFOs were hovering over their house. She finally found the reason for her problems. It was aliens. They had visited her since she was a girl. Now they were back, And she believed the source of the tones in her ear was probably an alien implant.

Her husband was shocked, but he was also very supportive. He believed her, but had no idea how to help her. Deeply in love, they got married.

Julia examined her childhood. She remembered seeing colorful orbs as a little girl. She recalled the hundreds of times her bedroom would fill with light and scary shadowy figures would materialize around her. She remembered a dramatic UFO sighting at age ten of a giant flying saucer. Julia could no longer deny that she was having contact with extraterrestrials.

Then one evening, she woke up to hear a weird musical sound reverberating through the house. She wandered around, trying to locate the source. Then she realized, it was inside her head! Next thing she knew, Julia found herself being pulled onboard a craft. She saw that she was laying on a table in a small, round room, surrounded by short, thin, gray-skinned beings with large bald heads and big dark eyes.

They handed her a baby and asked her to hold it. It looked just like a gray alien. Julia was shocked. And looking outside the craft, she saw the darkness of space, and far below her, the planet Earth.

Next thing she knew, it was morning, and she was back in bed. Looking at her stomach, she saw three bleeding puncture wounds. Both Julia and her husband were shocked and traumatized. And they became even more shocked when they discovered that Julia was pregnant.

From this point, events escalated. Julia kept waking up to find herself unable to move. One evening, her husband woke up to see a gray alien entering their bedroom. Shortly later, Julia had a miscarriage. She was secretly relieved. The pregnancy had not felt normal, and she was certain that it had something to do with the night she was taken onboard a craft.

At that point, her experiences ended. Or so she thought. They fled California, and moved to the east coast. They had a baby boy, and became pregnant with their second child. Then, one morning, Julia decided to reach out mentally to contact the gray alien baby she had held in her arms years ago. To her shock, she made instant contact. In her mind, she saw a gray. He introduced himself and said his name was Sen and that he was made up of her DNA. Then began an hours-long conversation in which Julia learned all the answers about everything that had happened to her throughout her life.

This video tells the story of Julia’s encounters, and what she learned from Sen about her own encounters and the alien agenda on our planet. If you’d like to explore more, Julia’s story is presented in my book, “Wondrous: 25 True UFO Encounters.” Now available!

Preston Dennett Website: https://prestondennett.weebly.com/

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Nrdvn-jUgWU?si=rkAg3X-xMOWlHw8x

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