Sampling the Warrnambool 3×1 Vlocity after Swan Hill train service reduced Vlocity train and bus

I was meant to ride on the Swan Hill train which normally a 5 Car loco haul of the classic fleet or N set train service but this arrangement was messed up for the day after seeing this notification on v/line website:

he 07:40 Southern Cross – Swan Hill service will terminate early at Bendigo and no longer run to Swan Hill. More information at

Well after seeing this I quickly made other arrangements and decided to sample the 3 car Velocity to Warrnambool and reserved my seat for this service that left at 07:34 and the set behind made up the 07:40 Swan Hill Service that was reduced from 5 car loco haul service to a 3 car Velocity!

I ensured I had few good drinks and food for breakfast beforehand. I noticed in the Melbourne Yard there was two N set in the yard FN9 and VN3 in the yard but noticed very little movement in the yard.

Is it rolling stock Shortage or Ground staff shortage ie: Shunters, Train Examiners etc. causing this?

which I later learned that it was due to a major rolling stock fleet shortage!

Accessibility Seat

I settled into my seat in the Vlocity and noticed a good crowd boarding at Southern Cross Station Platform 5A not bad turn out of people for a Sunday Morning!

It was a uneventful trip I observed more people boarding at Geelong ad the train along the way to Waurn Ponds.

The riding quality was okay, but from my pervious rides on this particular train well known it for design of high speed of operation at 130-160Km on the well known Bendigo, Ballarat and Shepparton etc. design for 200 kms max but due to track conditions of some line in the system speed was restricted to prevent excessive wear and tear of the trains it’s self.

I observed this train was speed was restricted on certain section of this line known to me for shaking up a older train at 108km quite severely on some sections ie:

Boorcan Loop before Terang when on the 29th Aug after the 4 month shutdown as before the timetable was adjusted to make way for the these 3 car Velocities the on board vibrations from the track was so bad it dislodged a light fitting out from a older carriage ceiling whist in motion!

I thought they spend mega $$$$ upgrade the track corridor what happened? why was so rough riding still?

In my interest of these newer trains I decide to take few decibel reading from the app “decibel X” on the way down it read as:

Average: 112 decibels Max 120 decibels Peak 123 Decibel inside the passenger riding area

*Disclaimer* The app need to verified by Independent sound Engineers and train Investigator seperate from V/line or Alstom with their special sound equipment and expertise

After seeing N452 with VN19 empty car movement at the cross off Birregurra in the loop after nice run arrived at Warrnambool 10:49 quite a good number of people got off the train and some made coach connection soon after arriving

The observation at Terminating station Warrnambool is as follows:

  • The vending machines at Warrnambool were nearly empty and cold drink machine next station office was out of order.
  • Hot drinks machine some people able access whist there
  • Not good for those with complex medical requirement dietary to consider whist travelling mean these people were impacted and forced to go without as they can’t prep their food on board these not fit for purpose trains taking over the older “classic” fleet with food vetted from the GP etc.
No food available at Warrnambool that plan is really working

Departure from Warrnambool station toward Southern Cross

  • A lot people were waiting and they were prepping the train and after settling on board and I noticed some people had big luggage to take on board backpacks etc.
  • Then observe train crew vetting the reservation seats on board all was normal until PA announcement and crew advice came out

Travellers and people with non reservation tickets please go the coach bay from Warrnambool to Melbourne.

This was backed by the conductor saying: the train is booked out.
A Good example of this I saw on board from my seat on board was a mother and several kids and other people at the station who didn’t have seat reservations were off loaded and made to travel by coaches from Warrnambool to Melbourne.

I was very surprised and puzzled by this unfolding situation before me as before the management decided amend the timetable at December 1st and fast track getting rid the older “Classic” fleet loco haul N set which 5 cars with either two or three non reservation cars in the consist and this issue was non event as I am seeing now a before these big changes the time table took place.

Of cause this excluding train defects and faults [Safety Critical] which renders the train not fit for service for passengers to be on board and all passenger required to do a coach transfer to Melbourne from Warrnambool.

On Board Riding Conditions :

Now there’s no ACN area for the trolleys, bikes and to keep them away from the doorways and corridors which used to stored in conductor areas which design with luggage area that could accomodate Bikes on the trains

  1. I saw that the conductor had to put bigger luggage that was too big to go in overhead luggage racks in the same area as mobility access area:
    • There was limited spare empty seats aboard the 3 cars to shuffle those people around when required via the conductor.
    • The seat design seems to badly thought out, the priority access seats are small and uncomfortable there’s no support for these people to relax and rest whist sitting in it whist riding for 3-4 hrs on board!
    • Why are they designed like metro suburban train style seat lift up seat?
    • the priority access seats in the older classic fleet as you can really rest in them unlike those seats in those newer trains!
    • As well a space to cater scooters, walkers etc to place near the WC in the older N set “Classic”Fleet
  2. Why is they only one WC for only 3 Cars of passengers?
    • This may cause people to have accidents on board as they might not be able to wait for other people to finish using the WC to address the call of nature.
  3. As there another design of Volcity with 2 WC rolling around on others lines.
  4. The constants noise of traction engines over the machine noise of the train moving over track get very overwhelming for some people!
    • The young kids were okay at first but started playing up onboard the youngest a toddler was very fretful and crying a lot the mother was doing her best sooth them, I am not surprised as the noise decibel levels inside the train even when the train was stationary it was over 100 decibels in the passenger’s riding area!
  5. unlike older train where the passengers onboard are sitting isolated away from constant vibration and pressure noise of the traction engine working away in the same area where the passengers are sitting!

On return the train picked up a steady flow of people on board on the return, when arrived at Waurn Ponds

I saw the 13:10 from Southern Cross it was very heavily loaded I heard the same PA announcement at Waurn Ponds non reservation ticket hold please be advised board your coach connection to Warrnambool.

Unbelievable why is this happening?

From my perspective, people pay to ride a train not shuffled off to coach because they didn’t book a ticket or unable to book it online at short notice as some are not not tech savvy and prefer going to their stations to obtain one which are open at limited hours in the day.

Why are they being treated like, ah hum should I say “cattle”?

Conclusion is follow from this experience on board

  • If v/line management do not want responsible for ensuring the vending machine are well stocked at these station with coach why remove the fit for purpose train to replace with train can’t cater for this with on board buffet service which the old VR rolling stock requirements for trips exceeding 2.5 hrs duration time to terminating stations with coach transfers?
    • Many travellers and myself experienced this at Swan Hill during the peck festive season and now after the holidays at Warrnambool Station!
    • Too bad if people can’t cross the road due to no crossing light point to cross safely or they don’t know the town very well and where to source food and drink at short notice!
    • Or those people who got mobility issues and can’t walk a certain distance.
  • It seem these decisions are made behind a desk without proper thought on how it impact the people travelling or the crew who put up with these awkward working conditions with accounting for passengers comfort on board and service provided on route in the “Function of Time” with the newly amended time table.

Well It seems the Management directors can’t have they cake and eat it!

If they want to rid buffet services on trains then they have take the role to contact the vendors these companies to service the machines and make sure it well stocked and in working order at all times……

If not, they might have re consider their decisions and defer the replacement and giving rolling stock away to certain Rail Heritage Groups that don’t have means or paperwork to justify it’s allocation to them and operate them regular basis.

From my observation all remain N set currently on the public roster should maintained and kept until the state can get fit for purpose train to replace the Aging “Classic” Fleet as we are broke!

Currently they are still retiring sets in middle of “rolling stock shortage”

As got some inside info only 70% of the newer train fleet are operating V/line has 354 Velocity rail cars atm

If I have a Velocity Rail Car for longer routes I would like the Standard Gauge Velocity as it just scrap through as Regional Standard for longer durations and having rode this buffet service….

I would settle with this very nicely, but due to budget cuts they are not making anymore but force the same one as one I rode to Warrnambool on all longer and shorter distance lines!

After a hectic ride on a 3 Car VL to and from Warrnambool earlier I settled down for nice short restful ride on VN19 shortly after as Warrnambool down 19:02 in BZN271!

How much can the travelling public take when seem that people feedback is disregarded?

Word is out by some staff the only remaining loco haul service will cease at March 2025.

Annual report is of V/line included in this link:

2 thoughts on “Sampling the Warrnambool 3×1 Vlocity after Swan Hill train service reduced Vlocity train and bus

  1. Why are V/Line now deliberately making Swan Hill a poor service?

    Train failures bus replacements what is happening?

    1. From what I am observing….rolling stock shortages and not enough to cover them, as they were too hasty in getting rid of them!

      Since that 4th mth shutdown for Warrnambool line, I am not sure what went wrong, but that track so very rough beyond Colac and I understand they spend a lot $$$ upgrading it….

      It bounces the N set severely at 108 Km/ph, not good for the electrical components or stress bearing areas, ie: Bogies and moving parts of the trains old or new……

      They are still speed restrictions on that line atm!

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