Poll reveals substantial support for Australia Day

A new poll shows it is “clear that mainstream Australians have had a gutful” of anti-Australia Day sentiments, with a majority celebrating our national day.

Australian Venue Company (AVC), which operates more than 200 pubs across the country, reportedly notified venue managers it would not celebrate Australia Day on January 26 because the day caused “hurt” and “sadness for some members of our community”.

What ever happened to those marketing people all women from AVC who canned Australia Day? Clearly they need to find another job and other pursuit because they have NO IDEA about what their customers want.

Let’s make sure they do not get off freely and continue to boycott the pubs on the 26th January 2026.

What about Woolworths:

Woolworths said the decision not to stock Australia Day merchandise in their stores last year was based on “steeply declining sales.” At the time, a Woolworths spokesperson said, “there’s been broader discussion about 26 January and what it means to different parts of the community”.

Major brands are realising Aussies simply “had enough” and refuse to be told what to do over Australia Day celebrations, an Australian media commentator says.

Woolworths spectacularly backtracked on its decision to stop selling merchandise in 2024, after outrage from the broader community and political spectrum.

Another group of people who have permanently mangled the brand of a national company. Do they still have their jobs?

There are people who just want to make life hard for all those who want to celebrate, they get a little bit of power and it goes to their heads and they damage a brand in the process.

2 thoughts on “Poll reveals substantial support for Australia Day

  1. Myself and my family members with indigenous heritage will be celebrating Australia Day because,unlike the anti Australia brigade,we don’t hold a 237 year old grudge or hold anyone today responsible for the actions of the past.
    Our focus should be on the progress and achievements of all Australian citizens, building up our communities and growing together.

    1. Petra….

      Good on you….you are one few Indigenous people who can move on from the past….

      I too support Aus Day as ex migrant who came to on act of kindness of AUS and live life to the fullest as a “Special Case” from a overseas country that not as generous as AUS….

      I celebrate BOTH AUS festivals and traditions and my country origin was born from….

      This is my perspective as being “Inclusive” as multicultural society.

      Not cancel out or try to change what AUS is culturally…

      My observation for those coming from overseas to AUS….you are welcome if you contribute to wellbeing and integrate with the AUS traditional culture….

      If not, pack you bags and return to country of your liking overseas….

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