From Miami to Antarctica: The Mysterious Portal and Shadowy Encounters

The Miami's Bayside Alien Shadowy Figure Encounters

Days after the astonishing accounts of encountering towering 8 to 10 foot-tall shadowy figures at Miami’s Bayside Marketplace on January 1, 2024, around 9:00 PM, the intrigue surrounding this bizzare incident continues to captivate attention and people asking for answers.

What We Know:

On the evening of the new year, throngs of people, not just from Miami but also from various states across America, went out to celebrate, for leisurely strolls and shopping at the marketplace. However, the ordinary evening took a bizarre and otherworldly turn when eyewitnesses reported a group of teenagers seated near the mall’s center. Witnesses claim an otherworldly occurrence took place as the teens tinkered with a portable music device, purportedly triggering an interdimensional portal, through sound frequency and available energy of Bayside Marketplace.

Subsequently, witnesses described an astounding sight: towering shadowy alien figures emerging from the gateway. Witnesses were left incredulous at the emergence of these beings, numbering more than three or four, resembling something out of a surreal cinematic experience.

As these shadowy tall beings materialized, witnesses described a glitch-like appearance in their movements, almost as if they were anomalies in reality. Witnesses detailed their characteristics: tall, slender, with elongated hands and necks, capable of near transparency and adept at camouflaging within the environment.

Chaos ensued as bystanders shifted into survival mode, fleeing in terror from these strange and non-human entities. Some individuals, including undercover law enforcement, reacted by firing towards these shadowy figures, while others attempted to document the event on their smartphones.

Numerous accounts suggest that cell phone cameras malfunctioned or blurred when attempting to capture footage of these entities, potentially due to the high magnetic energy emitted by the portal and the advanced technology of these elusive beings.

Eyewitnesses claim that although some managed to capture clear footage, they are withholding it for their safety. Those fleeing the Bayside Marketplace area were detained, and any potential footage was reportedly erased from their devices by law enforcement.

The official police report from WPLG-TV disclosed the arrest of four juveniles connected to the incident, charged with inciting panic and causing disturbance within the mall.

Simultaneously, multiple reports of gunfire around 8:30 PM (local time) were debunked as loud fireworks, triggering a substantial police response at the mall located at 401 Biscayne Blvd.

Notably, compelling footage of these alleged alien shadowy figures and eyewitness testimonies have surfaced online, prompting us to compile a video for you to experience these unfolding events firsthand! Watch the full video below!

Claim that the alleged aliens of Miami may have reverse-coded the coordinates of their base

UPDATE: Mystery deepens – Backtracking leads to Antarctica?

Recent speculation has surfaced online, fueling the strange narrative surrounding the alleged alien encounter at Miami’s Bayside Marketplace. Rumors suggest that these strange beings may have left behind a cryptic element.. and we have deciphered that cryptic element.

Whispers circulating on the Twitter platform @warmonitoreu claim that the alleged aliens may have reverse-coded the coordinates of their base. Amazingly, when Bayside Marketplace’s coordinates are reversed and plugged into Google Earth, it directs users to an area in Antarctica.

Could this be a deliberate signal? Some theorists suggest that this unexpected association may be an indication of the extraterrestrial origins of these shadowy figures. And that indeed this was deliberate, from them, to us, for the disclosure.

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