As often happens, the narrative on social media is spinning information concerning important topics away from the truth.
Q)The Storm Rider / Official Page and ONLY DROPS QTSR, introduce little known facts behind the scenes, keeping the public informed. You can watch QTSR videos on his Patreon Platform:
In his most recent video QTSR covers the importance of President Trump renaming the Highest Peak in North America during his inauguration speech. This post will cover some of the important topics from Storm Rider’s video along with additional information.
In 1917, North America’s highest peak was renamed Mount McKinley, honoring former President William McKinley who contributed some of the highest achievements for America during his time. McKinley represents an historic legacy protecting America’s interests, while generating enormous wealth and well being for ALL Americans.
McKinley championed tariffs while protecting U.S. manufacturing. He invested in industrialization, while boosting domestic production, and heroically led our Nation to victory in the Spanish-American War against Pirates.
In 2015 Obama stripped President McKinley of this honor and the remembrance of the vast sacrifices McKinley made to insure freedom and a better way of life for the American People.
Obama reverted Mount McKinley back to its previous title; Mount Denali, a bold step in an initiative to raise global-warming awareness in the U.S.; a Deep State psyop which will be proven criminal beyond a shadow of a doubt in the coming years.
On January, 20th, 2025, President Donald J. Trump revitalized the well deserved honor given to America’s 25th President by restoring the title ‘Mount McKinley’ to this high reaching peak.
Reiterating QTSR, very few people are privy to the highly classified information pertaining to Mount McKinley and Mount Hayes. When President Trump announced the name correction in his inauguration speech, he was giving COMMS to Deep State world intelligence, declaring the White Hats have CAPTURED OPERATIONS connected with Mount Hayes and Mount McKinley.
Mount Hayes is home to an advanced civilization with technology from higher frequencies far more advanced than earth as we know it at this time, including Plasma Technology, Time Travel, Huge Crafts, intricate wisdom pertaining to the nature of reality and experiences human consciousness could not easily integrate at this stage in our evolution.
Under Mount McKinley, (previously Denali) lies a massive man made black pyramid twice the size of the pyramid at Giza. This pyramid was headquarters to Deep State Military attempting to take over the benevolent base with higher technology and advanced consciousness under Mount Hayes. Deep State Air Force operations through Russia, China and United States were all after the benevolent energy and technology under Mount Hayes.
President Trump is wasting no time removing Deep State Generals and their posse, as he takes back control of the whole region, freeing America and the world from very dangerous satanic psychopathic criminals who infiltrated every system in this ‘world.’
QTSR also spoke about Pat Price, a highly skilled remote viewer able to accurately see into top secret bases, read top secret files, decipher names of staff working there and even know the skills of advanced beings.
Pat retrieved very accurate information concerning military around the world, alien groups, their comings and goings, their bases, planets of origin, agenda, craft, technology and what they were working on currently with their level of technology.
According to Price (in the 1970’s) there are four central locations or bases the aliens he was tracking interacted with on earth. The primary one located in the Pyrenees, has a home PORT on Mars.
Mr Price described what appears to be their security system as a highly advanced set of crystals with fixed frequencies in an oscilloscope matching wave patterns. When a new wave pattern was discovered, the admin unit determines frequency – distance – power output – pulse etc. and feeds it into the computer, which determines match or mismatch with all stored crystals. If mismatch is detected, alert is sounded & orders are sent to seek out source of power output and personnel are deployed physically to insure failure of that particular project.
~ Notes from Pat Price 1973
With this sensitive security, it’s difficult to comprehend the level of higher technology our White Hat Military operates to overtake the Mount Denali base and the massive SPIDERWEB network it connects with.
Excerpts from Pat Price’s notes after remote viewing the Bermuda Triangle:
“Decided to look at the Bermuda Triangle and determine the nature of the area.
If you extend vector lines from each of the four locations & intersect them on the tip of Florida you get two lines of the Bermuda Triangle. For great ages of time the tip of Florida was the compass setting for trade routes and navigational computations for incoming immigrants from South Amer – Africa – Europe
This made an ideal site for acquisition of physical data (monitoring point.) When it was decided that physical data (biological bodies) of a general nature was desirable, the units went to this area and set up a magnetic – electrical disturbance – guiding in whatever the target was i.e. ship – plane, using a tractor beam device to hold target. They physically took personnel aboard, then disintegrated vehicle and returned to their base to do a preliminary data withdrawal from personnel (victims,) then transferred them to their home space for further study – mainly post mortem – some they did an operation on – heart -lung & transported them alive.
Basically they use Homo Sapiens Agents. The intended agent is taken in – initially by thought induction programed as to their mission function.
Then a resonance vibration is set into them – This is the triggering device: When the agent receives (subliminally) the re-stimulation of that particular vibration (ultra sound) they key in & start relaying the acquired data & can also receive updated data.
The answer to unwinding the puzzle is to locate the exact frequency of the implant, reproduce it in the vicinity of the agent, then by thought transference bleed off the data & then install new data…
~ Notes from Pat Price 1973
As you can see, frequency and vibration are applied in many forms for many purposes and this is what higher technology is based on. Everything, including your Spirit and body, is composed, like a symphony, of frequencies and vibration.
Special thanks to:
The Pat Price 1972-3 Remote Viewing Papers