The Elmanuk – Guardians of Peace from Gliese 832 in Grus

Artistic depiction of Elmanuk beings, a male and female, standing in front of their V-shaped spacecraft, symbolizing their role as guardians of peace from Gliese 832 in the Grus constellation

Origins and Purpose

Located near the star Alnair in the old star system Gliese 832, the Elmanuk hail from the constellation Grus. Their home planet, Ardamant, lies approximately 16.2 light-years away from Terra (Earth).

Physical Characteristics

Physically, the Elmanuk are tall and slender, with an appearance that may initially suggest fragility. However, their physical fitness and strength belie this impression. They possess large eyes, often shielded by dark protective lenses common among Grey races.

Elmanuk have two genders, with males capable of switching gender when necessary by activating a womb in their stomach. This process, while essential, is exceptionally painful and therefore undertaken only in times of utmost necessity.

Galactic Role

Though their numbers have dwindled over time, the Elmanuk’s influence remains significant. Once active in galactic diplomacy, they now prefer a more retiring role, intervening in the Galactic Council of the Federation only when absolutely necessary. Their impact on galactic politics is exemplified by their creation of the Council of Ardamant and the famous adage: “Five universes, 2500 species, one race.”

Interactions with Terra

The Elmanuk made a notable visit to Terra in 2002, contributing to the preparations for the Great Awakening. Their involvement in this pivotal event underscores their commitment to guiding and nurturing emerging civilizations. Despite their resemblance to the Arcturians (Ohorai), the Elmanuk maintain their unique identity and purpose.

Advanced Spacecraft

The Elmanuk’s spacecraft, characterized by an elegant “Vshape, reflect their advanced technology and commitment to harmony and balance in the cosmos. Unlike plain triangular vessels, their ships possess a distinct elegance and sophistication.

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