The Jighantik – Reptilian Visitors from Constellation Horologium

An artistic depiction of the Jighantik, tall reptilian beings with slender eyes and robust musculature, standing beside their discoidal spacecraft

Origins of Jighantik

The Jighantik originate from the constellation Horologium, residing in a system of six planets. They inhabit one planet while utilizing the resources of the others, particularly minerals and gases.

Physical Description

Jighantik are tall reptilian beings, possessing a distinctive appearance characterized by slender eyes, a long thin ridge in place of a nose, and robust musculature. Their four fingers are long and strong, resembling claws and they typically eschew clothing except for environmental suits during space travel.

Interactions with Earth

For the past 3,000 years, the Jighantik have been visiting Earth. They maintain contact with three world governments, excluding major powers such as the US and USSR. Although they engage in abductions, they do not harm humans, unlike some other reptilian races.

Jighantik’s Technology

Jighantik spacecraft are discoidal and appear to be made of brown metal. These vessels boast remarkable speed and are equipped with interdimensional and time travel capabilities.

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