David Wilcock: The Great Revealing

David Wilcock:
The Great Revealing

Streamed live earlier.

Disclosure is coming in hot, thanks to Rep. Luna’s brave efforts to unearth hidden secrets — as well as many other combined initiatives.

2025 has been cited now in eight different prophetic sources as the time of the Great Revealing — namely that we are not alone, nor will our Galactic Family continue to remain hidden and elusive.

This is the “time of times” that we have all been waiting for through multiple incarnations. Archangel Michael absolutely delivers on the time loops again, from 2/14/99 through 2/20/99, giving us an exciting glimpse of what is ahead.

David has a wind forecast for the morning of the show and it should stop by the time we go live. It’s on the low end, and either way, the show must go on!

Huge things are heating up for Stavatti Aerospace, and in March we may have to do shows “on the road,” but for now we are still on the grand seven-camera-angle live set! Don’t miss it!

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