Well that’s the first weekend of the visit by Flying Scotsman out of the way.
Sitting at home looking after two web cams and answering questions and posting train details I must say I enjoyed it.
Yes, I would loved to have opened Orton Mere, but I realise that’s not going to happen again. But I got the pleasure of exchanging information about the event with not only locals and UK visitors but with people as faraway as Argentina and Canada.
Explaining about heritage railways, our general aims, aspirations and goals. Now you may well say did that bring in money for the railway and I must admit in the case of our overseas visitors I doubt it. but, perhaps some of our locals and UK connections learnt something new, perhaps we sowed seeds of interest, you never know. To survive heritage railways need young blood, we need keen young minds that can approach things differently.
One of the visitors to the cams, mentioned how few youngsters were to be seen, there were some but the percentage did not look that great.
So perhaps next time you see a young visitor, stop and say hello, communicate with them and show interest. Now I am aware many do this but equally many do not. It costs nothing but it can reap rewards.
So lets enjoy the rest of Flying Scotsman’s visit and not forget Britannia straight after it.
Have fun and with luck it will be a great year not only for the railway but also for each of us.