Tenterden exhibition

One of those annual pilgrimages, almost compulsory. Why though? In the great scheme of things this is a quite low level show; there are no big name layouts and barely any small name ones either. It does though have a certain something about it. The accent is often (as it was yesterday) on larger scale stuff; the main hall having three O gauge, a large G gauge and a Gauge 1 with live steam. What I do like is the trade. Again, with a couple of exceptions, is on the rummage side and independent leaning. I rarely come away without a bottom of the bin bargain and most years kick myself for rejecting something on the day.

Show: 5

Catering; 6

Parking: 8

Rucksacks: 8

It’s almost rude not to pop into the KESR which is a mile away, if only for a quick look around and a cup of tea. This timed nicely with the arrival of the visiting 4MT. It’s hard not to like this Horwich built standard. Apparently 1953 is a vintage year.


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