White spherical UFO shut down airport in Manipur India

A spherical, white unidentified flying object (UFO) recently led to the temporary shutdown of an airport in Manipur, India. According to reliable sources, the UFO was first spotted by the pilot of an Indigo flight scheduled for departure at approximately 2:20 pm. In response to this sighting, all flight operations were promptly suspended, and normal activities only resumed around 6 pm. The mysterious UFO remained visible until approximately 4 pm. 

Bhaskar Salam, a passenger on the affected flight, recounted the confusion and uncertainty surrounding the situation. He expressed that he was unaware of the circumstances and was informed that the flight couldn’t take off due to an unidentified object hovering in the sky. Flight operator officials, however, remained uncertain about the nature of the object. 
Imphal West Superintendent of Police, Ksh Shivakanta Singh, shed light on the perplexing incident, stating that the object lingered in the sky for several hours, before disappearing without a trace. The mysterious nature of the UFO has left both authorities and witnesses puzzled, with no conclusive explanation for its presence or sudden disappearance.

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