The Taal – Peaceful Guardians and Spiritual Race of Oman Khera in Lyra

Illustration of a tall female and male Taal, representing the guardians of Oman Khera, displaying their diverse physical traits and spiritual presence

Origins of the Taal: Guardians of Oman Khera

The Taal hail from Oman Khera, the third planet in the Man system, known as the (“O-mankher –a”) central power of Man in Lyra constellation. Sister race to the Ahel, they exhibit a wide range of skin, eyes and hair colors, akin to those found on Earth. Despite their diversity, the Taal are a pacifist and deeply spiritual people, guided by a strict ethical code.

On Oman-Khera, their home planet, a hierarchical government structure prevailed, with a monarchy overseeing a council of 25 and an assembly of 300 senators. While their cultural and educational practices resemble those of the Ahel, their spirituality differs significantly. The Taal adhere to an ascetic spiritual philosophy, believing the body to be an impediment to spiritual enlightenment.

Surviving the Lyran Wars

During the tumultuous Lyran Wars, the Taal demonstrated remarkable diplomacy by striking an agreement with the invading Ciakahrr forces. This accord secured the preservation of their culture and allowed the royal family to seek refuge in the nearby star system, Vega. However, it was later revealed that their escape destination shifted to Mirza, located in the Orion region.

Galactic Federation Membership

As members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Taal contribute actively to the liberation efforts of Terra. The Pleiadean colony of Temer, within the Taygeta system, plays a significant role in this endeavor. Taal ships, characterized by their small size and diverse shapes, reflect the varied nature of their colonies.

Colonial Expansion

The Taal have established colonies across various star systems, including Temer in the Pleiades (Taygeta), Vega, Terra, Elfrak Daal in Lyra, Wolf 424, Katayy in Sirius A, Ashkeru in Sirius B, Araman in Tau Ceti, Zenae in Andromedan systems and Mirza in Beta Canis Majoris.

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