One of the main issues in Spain for international freight traffic is the difference in gauges. To this end, the country’s infrastructure manager Adif launched a pilot project to test a gauge-changer for freight trains at the station in Irun, on the border with France.
“This new changeover station will be used to conduct commercial simulations in a real-life operating scenario”, Adif said. The system tested by Adif considers both the axles of the wagons as well as the gauge changing mechanisms along the rail track.
“Using this system, a freight wagon equipped with this movable axle can travel between the various existing borders with different track gauges, eliminating load breakage points”, the Spanish IM underlined. The location of the test is also significant, as the Irun-Hendaye is one of the main rail border crossings between Spain and France.
Part of the MERCAVE project
The pilot implemented by Adif in Irun will cost around 2,3 million euros. It is part of the so-called MERCAVE initiative, which aims at creating a gauge-changing system for freight wagons equipped with wheels with a diameter of 920 mm and 760 mm. Other than these tests in Irun, “two improved modular gauge-changing platforms have been installed at a new testing center built by Adif in Córdoba”, the company said.
It’s more complicated for freight trains
Having a change of gauge for freight trains is a much more complicated task compared to passenger convoys, Adif explained. First, the necessary technology is much more complex, as freight wagons have higher axle load requirements, as they carry more weight. Moreover, implementing a gauge changing system on freight trains is also a more costly operation, since there would be more units to equip compared to a passenger train.