Camera-like object nestled within a groove on a Mars rock

A recent image captured by the NASA Perseverance rover and shared by Neville Thompson on his Gigapan page reveals a prominent rock formation. Upon closer inspection, an intriguing detail emerges just to the left of the rock – a distinct, black, and shiny rectangular object resembling what looks like a camera nestled within a groove on the rock’s surface. 

The placement of this seemingly artificial object starkly contrasts with the natural surroundings prompts questions about its origin and purpose. 
As it seems odd and unlikely that NASA put the object within the rock’s groove, it raises the possibility of an unknown entity that placed the camera-like object to observe the Martian environment or eventually the NASA Perseverance rover. 

Adding to the mystery, another unusual feature in the same image captures attention – a strange looking rock depicting a bird-like head apparently placed on top of other rocks. However, the most striking anomaly is a round circle (which could be an eye) engraved in the rock, displaying no signs of natural formation. 

The presence of both objects suggests the potential presence of current or past life of a civilization on Mars.
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