‘Look No Hands’ Technique

The light over Somerset Levels is often quite spectacular and unusually for a Sunday the bus replacement rail service has been replaced with a train. Those familiar will know that in Little England all trains must be replaced with buses at weekends, it being the law since 1883. 

So this is indeed a fabulous and rare sight with a most unusual engine in the form of one of Stanier’s super-sized class 4 tank locomotives on the front of the usual 2 coaches which form the Highbridge branch services. 

Average photographer Ivan Locksmith and local cad, bounder and charmer Terry Tuttle-Thomas-Smythe are over there pointing their cameras at the spectacle as the train plods over the crossing at Catcott. Terry as usual is performing his usual ‘look no hands’ technique, which whilst it might charm the gullible, never yields a photograph because he always misses the shutter release. Don’t ask about his technique, but it impresses Nasal Nigel who is always keen to try out new things to do with his clammy TT gauge Flying Scotsman he keeps in his special pocket. 

Fans of the great railway photographer Ivo Peters will spot the famous blue Bentley, but no, this one is Ivan’s, he being a fan-boy of the great Ivo. Ivan’s Bentley is a bit of a heap to be honest with faded paintwork, plenty of tin-worm and a back seat full with all sorts of strange most likely illegal plants being propagated for his huge greenhouse which rivals those of Wisley and Kew Garden. 


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