The Noor – Tall Guardians of Tar Origins and Galactic Influence

Artwork depicting a tall Noor being with blue eyes and fair skin

Origins on Tar

The Noor originate from the 5th Planet, Tar in the Man system in Lyra constellation. They are known for their towering stature and robust musculature. With blue, green or clear grey eyes, blond to reddish hair and fair, highly sensitive skin, the Noori’s sensitivity is attributed to their dwarf star, Mana. This ultrasensitivity is shared with the Ahil, another fair-skinned race inhabiting the 4th planet.

Colonial Expansion

From their inception, the Noori have been explorers, seeding a few other worlds and even visiting Terra (Earth) approximately a million years ago. They are active members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, contributing significantly to its endeavors.

Key colonies established by the Noori include:

  • Alkorat in the Pleiades (Taygeta)
  • Terra
  • Elhaziel system in Lyra
  • Eldaru in Procyon
  • Dahl in Beta Centauri
  • Meton in Proxima Centauri

Furthermore, a branch of Noori colonists, adapting to their new world near Vega, evolved to possess red hair. This distinctive race of Noori also visited Terra, where they interbred and became known as the legendary giant red-haired people.

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