Revitalising Public Transport: Strategic Connections Group’s Expert Repair Solutions

Engineering and Project Management specialists Strategic Connections Group (SCG) showcased precision restoration expertise and excellence in tram overhaul. Its commitment to excellence transforms complex rail projects, enhancing public transport standards.

SCG’s Role in the Largest Global Light Rail Refurbishment Project

SCG played a crucial role throughout the Rolling Stock Additional Works (RSAW) project – the 5-year life extension and refurbishment program of the Yarra Trams high-floor fleet at the East Preston Tram Depot in Melbourne, involving over 400 trams, is the largest single light rail overhaul globally. SCG’s services included:

Construction Project Management

  • Led and coordinated architectural and engineering services teams.
  • Ensured seamless upgrades to the East Preston Depot for production readiness.

East Preston Depot Facility Upgrade:

  • Defined refurbishment requirements.
  • Managed local planning approvals.
  • Developed construction plans and scopes.
  • Coordinated construction documentation.
  • Oversaw requirements of architects, engineers, and building surveyors.

Specific Services Provided – Tram Upgrades:

  • Scope definition for all tram classes (E-Class excepted).
  • Technical services, leadership, and engineering application for work packages.
  • Management of Engineering Change Requests (ECRs) in collaboration with Yarra Trams.
  • Design upgrades, bills of materials, and material specifications.
  • Prototyping, production support, tools and fixtures design, trials, and testing and commissioning.

This comprehensive involvement emphasises SCG’s commitment to delivering successful outcomes in complex rail projects, showcasing their expertise in rolling stock engineering and construction project management. Thank you to Downer for this opportunity and their trust in SCG’s capabilities.

Precision Restoration: SCG’s Comprehensive Repair Solutions

SCG was engaged for an extensive damage assessment and subsequent repair scheme development for a Siemens D2-Class 5-car tram. The tram sustained severe damage in a collision with a truck, affecting four of its five modules, with major structural damage to the Driver’s cabin module and two passenger modules. SCG’s services included:

Crash Tram Damage.

Detailed Damage Assessment

  • Conducted a comprehensive strip-down and tagging of all parts.
  • Assessed the extent of damage caused by the collision.

Repair/Replacement Proposal:

  • Presented options for repair or replacement, considering the damage assessment.
  • Managed communication with all relevant stakeholders to agree on an appropriate repair plan.

Repair Scheme Development:

  • Developed detailed Repair Schemes for each damaged area.
  • Prepared technical repair documentation packages, including CAD modelling.

Project Management and Engineering:

  • Defined repair budget and step-by-step delivery schedule.
  • Outlined compliance requirements for materials, processes (e.g. welding), testing, records, and skills.
  • Provided documentation including EBoM, ITP, work instructions, and weld procedures.
  • Designed a parts delivery schedule and identified procurement sources.

Safety and Skilled labour:

  • Ensured compliance with safety standards throughout the repair process.
  • Managed the design of special tools and fixtures required for the repair.
  • Coordinated skilled labour, including electricians and fitters, essential for the repair.

This project showcases SCG’s expertise in conducting detailed damage assessments, proposing effective repair strategies, and providing comprehensive project management and engineering support to facilitate the restoration of a valuable asset back into revenue service, guaranteeing full quality and safety compliance along the way.  Thank you to Yarra Trams for this opportunity and their trust in SCG’s capabilities.

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