The Ogolong Barnarians – Alien Reptiloid Mercenaries from the Barnard System

An illustration depicting a female Ogolong mercenary with their triangular ship against a galaxy background

A Mercenary Race from the Barnard System

Originating from Planet Orega in the M28 star system, known to humans as the Barnard system, located 6 light-years from Terra, in the Ophiuchus constellation, the Ogolong or “Orange” as termed by humans, are a humanoid-reptiloid race. They have blond to red hair and possess predominantly humanoid forms with distinct reptilian features, including humanoid reproductive organs.

Sub-Treating Abductors with Mercenary Ties

Some Ogolong individuals have been involved in sub-treating abductions for the Ciakahrr, forming a small group with connections to the US government and maintaining a base on Earth’s moon. Led by a male named Sikkar-Taa, they operate as mercenaries under the protection of the Ciakahrr, engaging in slave hunting for their own purposes. Their activities extend beyond Earth, as they control significant mining enterprises across various planets and asteroids, relying on a consistent labor force.

Triangular Ships and Dodgy Business

Ogolong ships are recognizable for their triangular shape, curving in at the back akin to a boomerang. Despite their nefarious activities, efforts to stop them are hindered by their alliance with the Ciakahrr. The key to halting their operations on Earth lies in apprehending their leader, though his elusive nature, possibly hiding in underground reptilian facilities, presents a significant challenge.

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