The Akara Mantis – Ancient Insectoid Alien Beings of M104 Galaxy

Illustration depicting the three subspecies of Akara Mantis - green, white, and black - from the M104 Galaxy

The Origins, Ethical Code and Society of Akara Mantis

This is an interesting species, who name themselves “Akara”. These alien beings, as it occurs of course for everyone, have their own ethical mindset but in their case, what is noticeable is the absence of notions such as “bad” or “good”, their ethics code is rather based upon what is useful and logical, and what is not. Feelings are, in this species, very different from for instance in the humanoid species. This is the main reason why these peaceful beings will take part willingly, for some of them, into the Ciakahrr and Orion empires’ hybridization programs, which are violating basic rights regarding to our criteria, but not for the Akara “Mantis”.

Their origin is what we call the Sombrero Galaxy M104, 28 million light years from Earth, in the constellation Virgo. Based on a matriarchal hive-structured society, these insectoid beings exist from densities 3 up to 9. They look like the imported Praying Mantis Terran insectoid species but stand upright, up to 9ft high (2.74 meters). They can be green, white or black. Their head is V shaped with huge black faceted eyes, and sets of little black appendixes serve as fingers.

They communicate through telepathy, they are oviparous and the hatching has a very long process of incubation. Once the eggs are laid, they growth to vertical soft organic pods. They are fed with hybrids and humanoid body parts. Their lower density cast are involved in programs for the Orion Alliance and the Grey Collectives, while the higher density ones do not, and assist instead the GFW in the rising of consciousness on Terra.

These latest are colourful light beings, which have nonetheless preserved their insectoid shape. Be they of any dimensional plane, the Akari are master in the science of vibrational frequency and sonic technologies. Their particular advanced knowledge in the use of sonic and colour vibrational frequencies to shape their environment and communicate with each other, makes of them highly prized scientist hunted and enslaved by the Orion Alliance. You do have the impression that they are in command of Terran abductions but they are not, as they are just the servile scientists overseeing the procedures.


Akara Mantis Subspecies

Green Subspecies: These have two thing legs, a long tubular butt and the green ones have wings, and their eyes are yellow with a narrow vertical split. Enslaved to the Orion and Grey collectives.

White Subspecies: Taller, globally enslaved to the Xrog Shamtbahali (ZetaReticuli) and Orion Alliance. The have three pairs of legs terminated by pointy appendages. Longer ringed necks, head is more flat. Their eyes are facetted black and they have black mandibles either sides of their mouth.

Black Subspecies: Called also Tall Blacks. Their bodies appear wearing a black glossy exoskeleton, with extra joints in their arms and legs, and they have different levels of humanoid features. Their eyes are golden to glowing red. We do believe the more humanoid ones are Hybrids. Do not work for the Orion and Grey Collectives but are rather working for their own scientific curiosity and programs, and also assisting the Terran species consciousness awakening.

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