The Ozman – Serene Inhabitants of Ozma in Vega Planetary System

An artwork depicting a male Ozman from the Vega star system, adorned with necklaces, representing the serene inhabitants of Ozma

The Inhabitants of Ozma

The Ozman, are inhabitans of the fourth planet “Ozma” in the Vega planetery system, are the serene homeworld of this humanoid race known as the Ozman. Seeded long before the Lyran wars and subsequent refugee colonies, the Ozman have evolved to a level beyond their Taali relatives on Adara.

Towering and hairless, their craniums have widened through adaptive evolution, giving them a distinct triangular facial structure. Adorned in long robes with high necks and wide sleeves, the Ozman exude an aura of elegance.

Urban Elegance in Ozma

Despite Ozma’s gloomy appearance, its urban landscape is a testament to elegance and sophistication. Green translucent buildings and domes stand in stark contrast against the dark volcanic terrain, showcasing the Ozman’s architectural prowess. Their involvement in diplomacy as skilled peace ambassadors reflects their commitment to fostering harmony within the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Guardians of Terra and Beyond

The Ozman play an integral role in the protection of Terra (Earth), participating actively in programs aimed at safeguarding the planet. Their long, fine ships symbolize their dedication to interstellar diplomacy and exploration. With their advanced civilization and diplomatic finesse, the Ozman continue to shape the destiny of the galaxy as esteemed members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

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