The Nhorr – Guardians of Art and Harmony in the Binary System of Daran

An artistic depiction of a Nhorr being adorned in colorful attire, with their distinctive golden reptilian eyes shining brightly

Home in the Binary System

The Nhorr reside in a binary system Daran (HD176051) boasting six planets, in the Lyra constellation. Despite their reptilian heritage, they present themselves as gracious humanoids, with distinctive features that leave no doubt about their nature. Notably, their strikingly large golden reptilian eyes captivate all who encounter them.

Culture of Harmony

Embracing a culture rooted in peace and artistic expression, the Nhorr are vegetarians and staunch pacifists. They possess a deep love for colorful attire and body paint, reflecting their vibrant personalities. Music holds a special place in Nhorr society, with their compositions renowned throughout the cosmos. Utilizing ethereal sound waves, crystal instruments and color frequencies, Nhorr music transcends conventional art, touching the minds and souls of all who experience it.

Galactic Contributions

Despite their lack of interest in visiting Terra (Earth), the Nhorr are valued members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Their diverse fleet of ships having many different shapes, reflects their disdain for conformity, showcasing their commitment to individuality and innovation.

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