The Borog Uruz – Exploring the Peaceful Reptiloids of the Uruz System

An artistic representation of a Borog Uruz being standing in front of their discoidal spaceship, with the star-filled sky in the background

Origins of the Borog Uruz System

Located 440 light-years from Terra (Earth), the Borog Uruz system comprises two planets. The primary world is a yellow giant, accompanied by a smaller rocky planet. Both are home to indigenous Reptiloids and a Laan colony from the Man system located in the Lyra constellation.

Meet the Uruz

The Uruz are peaceful Reptiloids inhabiting the Borog Uruz system. Characterized by their modest height, they possess a distinctive spiky crest on their back and a saurian tail. Despite their physical differences, they have achieved a level of civilization that has earned them recognition as members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Contributions to Galactic Diplomacy

While the Uruz have never ventured to Terra, they have forged fraternal bonds with the Laani colonists in their planetary system. During diplomatic sessions in the Galactic Council, the Uruz have consistently advocated for the liberation of Earth, showcasing their commitment to intergalactic peace and cooperation. Their spacecraft, characterized by their discoidal and short design, symbolize their journey towards understanding and unity among the stars.

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