The Afim Spiantsy – Galactic Federation Observers from Afiola in Aldoram

An illustration depicting an Afim Spiantsy standing beside their small, spherical metallic ships hovering above

Homeworld of Afiola in Aldoram

Their homeworld, Afiola, orbits within the Aldoram star system (Gamma Lyrae) in the northern constellation of Lyra, serving as the cradle of the Afim Spiantsy civilization. With their distinctive blue skin adorned with darker spots for males and lighter for females, coupled with uniquely angled eyes, they stand apart from Terran humans. Despite their smaller stature, they thrive in an atmosphere primarily composed of hydrogen, eschewing the need for oxygen.

Warrior Patriarchy and Intercultural Dynamics

Afim Spiantsy society operates under a warrior patriarchy structure, shaped by their victorious conflict against the Spiantsy race, a formidable adversary with superior numbers and resources. This triumph echoes in their name, serving as a warning to other races. Despite advancements in space travel and technology aided by allies like the Selosii and Lyrans, their culture remains relatively primitive, emblematic of premature intercultural contact.

Observers of Human Deviation

As observers within the Galactic Federation, Afim Spiantsy possess advanced technology, enabling swift journeys to Terra in just twenty Terran (Earth) minutes. They undertake studies on human deviation, crucial for shaping humanity’s future. While they can remain invisible to humans, their presence evokes a sense of unease. Often found in places of deviation like entertainment facilities and mental hospitals, their small spherical ships, with silver metallic exteriors and luminous windows, traverse the cosmos with mastery of warp speed and space bending.

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